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Optimize Your Team's Performance

1. Start by identifying instinctive strengths (Take the KOLBE A Index)
It’s critical to know how your people are going to get things done – in the office or while working from home. Identify your team’s strengths by getting Kolbe A™ Index results for everyone.
Unlike traditional assessments, Kolbe Indexes focus on how team members naturally approach tasks and work, rather than their intelligence or personality. You get immediately actionable advice to grow a team and be more productive with less pain.
2. Optimize the strengths of your team
Once you’ve identified everybody’s instinctive strengths, use Kolbe’s interactive workshops and webinars to maximize teamwork and strategically combine talents.
- Improve communication and collaboration among team members
- Eliminate frustrating, long and unproductive meetings
- Create a culture of respect, accountability and performance
Why should my agency sign up?
- You’ll discover the freedom to be yourself and learn to stop doing things that don’t work for you.
- You’ll learn how to focus your time and energy to be more productive and achieve your goals.
- It does not measure intelligence, personality or social style. It measures the instinctive ways you take action when you strive. Use your custom Kolbe A Index Results to be more productive, less stressed, and unlock joy at work or with your family.
- Boost Productivity & Team Effectiveness: The Kolbe A Index has a validity and reliability of over 90%, topping well known affective assessments. This means you can build teams and assign responsibilities with confidence, increasing team synergy and boosting productivity by up to 225%.
- A business can create more successful teams when they pay attention to the conative skills rather than focusing only on their experience, education or sense of humour.
- This also helps managers to know which person will be best for each task within a project and how they can get the best out of them.
- Kolbe Index helps everyone to recognize their own natural strengths and that we all have different natural abilities, which we should play to, and learn to grow in our own way rather than push against.
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